414 Main Street Franklin, TN 37064

We seek to change the conversation from one of competition, suspicion, and opposition, to one of interdependence, mutual understanding, and unity.
As followers of Jesus, we recognize his leading in welcoming any and all others (Christian or otherwise) who feel the call to pour out their lives for others and for the life of the world.
This work is centered around the reconciling table of Jesus and extends to every table of fellowship everywhere.

414 Main Street
Franklin, TN 37064
Sunday Evenings at 5:30PM

Feel free to contact us:

Donations accepte via Luminous Anglican Church
A Community of Love & Reconciliation
Knowing each other. Loving each other. Serving others together.
St. Francis Mission is wholeheartedly committed to the importance of the historic creeds of the church (Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, etc.). We also recognize that these teachings have been used to separate and divide and condemn. We believe this is a misuse of such teachings. We believe that the Gospel calls us to a life of reconciliation, forgiveness, compassion, restoration, love, transformation, and peace. Rightly used, the creeds are the soil in which such realities grow, mature, and flourish. So, in addition to this, St. Francis is committed to a culture of hope, community, service, and self-giving. The following statements are extremely idealistic and impossible to embody with any kind of sustained perfection. However, we believe the essence of the Gospel calls us to such things. So, with the help of God and one another, and with Jesus as our lens…
St. Francis Mission seeks to be a place and reality where…
–Everyone is truly welcome. Not only welcome, though. Everyone is wanted, desired, sought after, seen, and heard.
–Everyone is invited to enter into the mystery of Christ.
–Everyone is welcomed to sit with Christ at his table in the Eucharist (Holy Communion).
–Everyone is valued by everyone else.
–Everyone is encouraged to share their particular gifts within and beyond the body of Christ.
–Everyone is included and no one is excluded.
Further, St. Francis Mission desires to be a community where…
-We are committed to working together and NOT to insisting that we all see everything the same way.
-We seek out those on the margins.
-We speak up for those most likely to be the subject of ridicule.
-We look to find those who believe themselves to be outsiders and assure them of their value and inclusion.
-We seek to genuinely live in the light of the truth that love is at the root of everything. Love or the lack of it (Thanks to Fred Rogers for this one).
We also believe that…
-There is only one category of human being: Loved by God. So to say Everyone is to mean everyone–no footnotes, caveats, or litmus tests.
-We should seek to be more concerned about how we treat our neighbor (everyone) than what we may or may not believe between our ears, as important as that might be.
-The body of Christ extends way beyond the doors of the Church all the way to the ends of the earth.
-We are here to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
-We are here to feed those who need feeding.
-We are here to clothe those who need clothing.
-We are here to welcome the stranger, the outcast, and the wanderer. After all, that’s all of us.
And as Christ taught us in what has come to be known as the Lord’s Prayer…
-Forgiveness should define our lives. Forgiveness, after all, is what evil hates the most.
In short, St. Francis Mission is attempting, in our fragile, human, broken, yet most sincere way, to listen for the Word of God as he speaks to us—and leads us—in our day.
All Christians and other people of good will are welcome to participate fully in the mission and work of St. Francis Mission.
Saint Francis Mission is centered around the reconciling table of Jesus. And, since Jesus excludes no one, neither do we. So, regardless of your color, ethnicity, gender, social or economic class, marital or relationship status, or sexual orientation, all people of good will are invited to participate fully in our life of faith and service
Saint Francis Mission currently meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM at McCreary’s Irish Pub in downtown Franklin.
So, we do not have a Sunday School wing or nursery. However, kids are welcome! In addition to that, also welcome are the beautiful and life-giving noises they make! We are happy to provide crayons and coloring pages during the service as well.